Over 10 Years of Municipal and Government Experience

G&G Municipal Consulting and Grant Writing has been serving the legal and municipal community since 1991. We specialize in low/moderate-income (LMI), median household income (MHI), and demographic surveys for municipalities among other consultant services. Our services have helped generate municipal funding amounts totaling approximately 100 million and helped municipalities secure approximately 200 million in low-interest and 0% interest financing. Municipal references can be provided upon request.

Our Approach

Service is in our DNA.  As a retired police officer and an elected, public servant, Jay Grasso founded the company on service as the defining principle.  Whether it is through helping with a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Grant, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), or Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) grants for upgraded clean water and sewer infrastructure, we aim to serve the needs of communities and those who serve them.

Experience in public service has not only shaped our core values, but it has also equipped G&G to be a successful municipal liaison and reach across multiple government departments and entities to coordinate crucial projects. It has also given us a deeper understanding for budgetary constraints and an appreciation for the financial relationship with stakeholders and fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayer.

We understand the critical importance of municipal funding to achieve sustainable community growth whether it be through grant funding or low to zero percent interest loans. We are also aware of the difficulty and challenge that exists to secure the necessary funds.   Our approach is to fill the gap in time, technology, and resources by becoming your grant/funding partner.

We offer comprehensive packages or à la carte services to fit your unique needs and budget.  Our services are custom-tailored to help assess your needs, determine feasibility, and assist you in becoming grant eligible for funding and/or low-interest loans. We are here to help and would consider it a privilege to serve your community. Contact us today to explore how we can help!

Firefighter Cancer Support Network

Together we can make a difference

The mission of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) is to help fire/EMS members and their families cope with cancer and to provide occupational-cancer awareness and prevention training nationwide. G&G Municipal Consulting and Grant Writing is proud to support this worthy cause. Visit the FCSN website to learn more or donate.

Let us help you...

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We are happy to discuss our services in the convenience of your offices.